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Despierta tu WOW  Imperfecto

Aprende a aceptarte y crecer sin la presión de ser perfecto


¿Do you feel you don't trust your capacities?

¿Do you feel you are conditioned by your thoughts and they don’t let you move forward to live the life you always dreamt of ?


¿Do you feel fear, uncertainty and anxiety to take the steps to change your life ??


¿Do you feel you are capable of so much more but your current habits do not let you unleash this energy?

If those questions mean something to you, you can count on me to help you go through this reprogramming of your own thoughts and feelings, in order to create the life you want and not the one you get used to have.

         Guiarte hacia la aceptación de tus imperfecciones y descubrir tu verdadero valor.

         Ayudarte a identificar y gestionar esas creencias limitantes que te frenan.

         Proporcionar herramientas de mindfulness y trabajo de sombras para vivir de manera más consciente.

         Acompañarte en el proceso de transformar tu autocrítica en autoaceptación.

         Enseñarte a manejar la incomodidad y el miedo, y a vivir con confianza y plenitud.

         Motivarte a dejar de compararte con los demás y a valorarte a ti mismo tal y como eres.

         Fomentar un espacio de crecimiento personal seguro donde puedas encontrar paz y autenticidad.


"YOU, and only you, have the capacity to manage your life, it only depends of the decision you make (stay where you are or go ahead) and the determination you include so the new version of yourself becomes a habit and a new life"

About Me

I'm Deby Lichtenstein, Brazilian by birth, Argentinian at heart. Married to a French man who looks Latin, a Spanish son who looks Polish and another beautiful 100% American baby boy. I have a Degree in International Relations, a master's degree in event organization and I am a Certified Coach of IPEC Coaching (certified by the ICF)

Sobre mí
Cómolo hago


Cada mes recibiras herramientas y reflexiones para aprender de ti mismo y elevar tu confianza paso a paso

Quiero Recibirla

¡Gracias por suscribirte!

Sesiones 1 a 1

Ofrezco sesiones uno a uno, incluyendo mi sesión estrella llamada "Despierta Tu Wow Imperfecto", donde en una hora y media, te ayudo a comprender el origen de tus creencias limitantes a través del trabajo de sombras, conocer tu verdadero valor con poderosas herramientas del coaching y transitar la incomodidad de tus imperfecciones para llegar a una aceptación plena y vivir de manera más consciente gracias a la sabiduría y práctica del Mindfulness.


Programas empresas

También ofrezco programas de 3 a 6 meses dirigidos a directivos y profesionales que desean potenciar sus soft skills y mejorar su desempeño en el entorno empresarial. En estos programas, te ayudaré a gestionar el estrés, equilibrar tu vida laboral y personal, comunicarte de manera más efectiva con tu equipo, aumentar tu confianza y superar el síndrome del impostor, permitiéndote liderar con autenticidad y seguridad.

taller grupal online

Diseñado para aquellas personas que desean embarcarse en un viaje de autoconocimiento y autoaceptación, pero que por razones económicas o de ubicación no pueden acceder a mis sesiones individuales o talleres presenciales. Este taller abre sus puertas solo 3 veces al año, brindando una oportunidad exclusiva para sumergirte en una experiencia profunda, divertida y transformadora desde la comodidad de tu casa

taller presencial

Una experiencia única, un viaje profundo y divertido hacia el interior de sí mismos.

En mis talleres, explorarás tus sombras, te conocerás en profundidad, y disfrutarás del movimiento mientras te conectas con otras personas. Es una experiencia donde se llora, se ríe, y se crea un espacio auténtico de conexión y autoconocimiento. 

Mis servicios


Selecciona tu servicio

Caroline P.

I highly recommend working with Deby.  She is the perfect balance between being professional and empathetic.  Her knowledge and techniques helped me to identify and overcome some of the blockers I was facing in order to make a decision in my career, without her I would not have had the courage to take the essential next steps.  Thank you!


Katerin T.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!


Sandra O.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Patricia T.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Erica G.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!


Andrea P.

Después de años de psicólogos y distintas terapias para trabajar mis inseguridades y por sobre todo mi ansiedad, decidí realizar el proceso de 3 meses de Deby y la verdad no encuentro palabras de agradecimiento hacia ella.

Su paciencia, escucha y empatía hacia todo lo que me pasaba, más sus técnicas de pnl y mindfulness, me ayudaron enormemente para sentirme mas calma y segura conmigo misma.

Gracias Deby!


Maria Sol C.

With Deby I find a weekly space where I can plan the best version of myself. It helps me incorporate very innovative and healthy habits to control and take my life into my own hands.
We put together an action plan according to my reality and possibilities that helps me feel confident about myself and be able to control those moments of the day and life circumstances where I don’t know where to run.
If you have a dream and want to achieve it ... be sure that the right way is to let this great professional help you achieve them ! Thanks Deby!


Monica R.

Deby has a natural ability to get to the bottom of the problem and the fears that appear in conversations, which makes her very effective in solving and removing mental blocks and shedding light on the lies we create ourselves. Her Coaching helped me a lot to motivate me to make changes in my life


Alejandra R.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Marcela B.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Liliana M.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!


Nanci G.

Te conocí en un momento donde la incertidumbre y el miedo a ser yo misma me invadían por completo. Con solo una primera conversación me guiaste a ver la vida a través de un cristal distinto; y aunque muchas veces el camino que estamos recorriendo juntas es duro, tu manera de decirme las cosas más difíciles y dolorosas desde la amorosidad me ayudan a ser cada dia mi mejor versión. Estoy feliz de habernos conocido.

Gracias, gracias y gracias!!!


Victoria M.

I always did psychoanalysis until I started with Deby. I was in a moment of my life where I had to make a lot of decisions and I did not feel the strength and confidence to do it. In each session Deby is helping me to carry out this process in a more friendly way, providing me with techniques that helped me to have more confidence in myself and more self-esteem


Chloe G.

It is a great experience in my life to do the coaching with Debbie. 
Since the first session, I felt positive results in my mind, visualizing better what I want and how to deal with my emotions. 
As an anxious person, she helps me to get prepare for the important coming events, dealing with the everyday life and teaching me how to relax. 
We are also doing short great exercises of meditation during each session, bringing me a new energy. 
She is so kind, wanting to help at any time and between sessions too.
Thank you Deby


Marysol M.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Andreina L.

Professionalism, dedication and empathy with my goals is what I experience in my sessions with Deby. Thanks to her guidance and support, I have managed to establish short and long-term goals, introduce meditation into my daily routine as a process and habit, visualize the woman of my dreams and work on myself: self-esteem, self-recognition and self-worth. 

I highly recommend working with her!

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Valeria S.

Deby, Gracias por ayudarme a cambiar la manera de enfrentar sintuaciones difíciles en mi vida. Tu paciencia, sabias palabras y guía continua, son herramientas claves en mi crecimiento personal. 

Tengo un largo camino por recorrer pero me siento más segura con vos a mi lado. Feliz de habernos reencontrado. Gracias!


Cande B.

Deby, Nos conocimos en otro contexto y las vueltas de la vida nos juntaron en el mismo camino para que me ayudes, me guies, me enseñes a transitar una forma distinta de pensar, de sentir, respetarme y valorar distintas cosas de mi.. Me ayudaste a abrir ventanas cerradas, a ver las cosas con amor, paciencia y convicción. A visualizarme, cerrar los ojos y sentirme.

Gracias de corazón, por la paciencia y el profesionalismo que hacía que cada encuentro sea unico.

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